“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” — Albert Einstein

Greg Twemlow
4 min readJun 22, 2023


As the CEO of a skills development company, I sincerely appreciate the immense value that creativity, critical thinking, and cultural understanding contribute to ethical company growth. The world is an innovation-driven landscape. Employing individuals who can think outside the box, adapt to change, and communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders is imperative. That’s why I can’t emphasize enough the significance of arts and humanities in nurturing these attributes.

If you want to develop an unfair advantage, study the humanities.

If you want to develop an unfair advantage, study the humanities.

The Passport to Ingenious Solutions:

Envision an organizational culture bereft of the charm of creative thinking — a mechanical milieu without the vivid palette of innovative ideas, evocative problem-solving strategies, or eloquent communication. The arts serve as a passport to ingenious solutions in their multifarious manifestations. The human mind finds refuge and stimulation through paintings, literature, and music.

These artistic mediums allow our teams to venture into new domains, convert abstract concepts into palpable strategies, and challenge the traditional confines of business practices. Through art, we foster a culture that speaks the language of innovation, ignites motivation, and builds bridges that transcend linguistic barriers.

Cultivating Business Acumen:

“Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.” — Francis Bacon

While the arts kindle creativity, the humanities arm our workforce with the analytical tools necessary for shrewd decision-making. For example, literature, philosophy, and history steer us on intellectual expeditions that broaden our perspectives. They unravel a panorama of narratives, encouraging us to appreciate diverse viewpoints, contest preconceived notions, and navigate the labyrinth of human behavior. Engaging with the humanities fosters a team adept at discernment, empathetic, and skilled in making informed choices. They prompt us to challenge the status quo, unearth the underlying currents, and appreciate the grace of sophisticated reasoning.

Amplifying Global Sensibilities:

The arts and humanities are robust channels for understanding and preserving cultures. They provide a glimpse into the rich diversity of traditions, morals, and viewpoints that weave the tapestry of our global village. Through exposure to various art forms and historical narratives, we develop a more comprehensive appreciation for human experiences spanning continents and epochs.

In fostering these insights, we cultivate empathy, dismantle walls of bias, and nurture a sense of global stewardship. Artistic expression extols the distinctiveness of each culture, while the humanities facilitate dialogue, bridging chasms between communities.

Spurring Corporate Ingenuity and Versatility:

The confluence of arts, humanities, and innovation lays the foundation for trailblazing breakthroughs. Creative thinking, often fueled by art, is the lifeblood of innovation in science, technology, and diverse fields.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” — Albert Einstein

Art challenges us to establish connections between seemingly disparate concepts, welcome uncertainty, and think beyond conventional norms. It is within this domain of boundless imagination that industry-disrupting solutions are conceived. Moreover, as the corporate world undergoes relentless transformation, the interdisciplinary character of arts and humanities equips people with the agility needed to traverse the intricacies of an ever-mutating environment.

Thus, let us embrace the transformative prowess of art, literature, philosophy, and history. Let us immerse ourselves and our teams in the splendor of visual and performing arts, indulge in the rich fabric of literature, and partake in stimulating conversations that celebrate the humanities.

The keys to unlocking the treasure chest of human ingenuity, acumen, and compassion reside within these creative and intellectual domains — where creativity burgeons, critical thinking prospers, and the human spirit takes flight to unprecedented pinnaclesSummary:

  1. Cultivating Business Acumen through Critical Thinking: The article emphasizes the importance of the humanities in developing critical thinking skills, which are essential in business. Employees can analyze and question information effectively by engaging with literature, history, and philosophy, leading to better decision-making.
  2. Amplifying Global Sensibilities through Cultural Understanding: The arts and humanities serve as powerful mediums for cultural understanding. For a corporation with global aspirations, it’s vital to cultivate an appreciation for diverse traditions and values. This understanding helps break down barriers and foster effective communication with stakeholders from different cultures.
  3. Spurring Corporate Ingenuity and Versatility through Creative Thinking: The intersection of arts and humanities fuels creativity, which is at the core of innovation. In a corporation, encouraging artistic expression and creative thinking can lead to groundbreaking solutions and adaptable strategies essential for success in an ever-evolving market.

I’m deeply committed to fostering a culture that values critical thinking, cultural understanding, and creative problem-solving. Arts and humanities are indispensable in this pursuit, as they enrich our experience of the world and unlock the full potential of our people.

About the author: Greg Twemlow, CEO, Future Skills Studio

Develop Skills ~ Design Your Future

Email: info@futureskills.studio

Phone: +61 412 555 416



Greg Twemlow

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