Greg Twemlow’s “Custom Context CV©” or my C³

Greg Twemlow
7 min readApr 8, 2024

The phrase “Ethical Leadership in a Tech-Driven World©” is Copyright Greg Twemlow, Sydney, Australia April 8, 2024

What is a C³?

A C³ is how I can share my personal Context with GenAI.

It’s like a detailed Custom Instructions.

The true strength of the C³ lies in its ability to serve as a foundation for personalized and meaningful interactions with AI by Greg Twemlow

The true strength of the C³ lies in its ability to serve as a foundation for personalized and meaningful interactions with AI. By providing AI with an authentic overview of my skills, experiences, and, importantly, the hurdles I currently face, I enable a level of support and guidance that’s deeply impactful.

About Greg

I am married, and I have three grown boys: Jack, 33, Mike, 31, and Guy, 29.

I live in Sydney, Australia.

Even though I’m old enough to retire, I have no interest in doing that. I have too much energy and curiosity, and I know I can continue to make a positive impact.

About this C³:

This version of my C³ is dated April 8, 2024. It encapsulates my contributions to educational innovation, ethical leadership, and philosophical discourse. The C³ highlights my commitment to contributing to society for the moral and intellectual challenges of the future and showcases my vision of how education bridges the gap between technological advancement and the timeless pursuit of wisdom and ethical integrity.

C³ Theme: Bridging Technology, Education, and Ethical Innovation

I am an innovative educator, ethical thought leader, and philosopher at the forefront of integrating Ethics, Philosophy, and AI into transformative educational practices. As the founder of SEVENmile and Future Skills Studio, I aim to cultivate an academic ecosystem that prepares individuals for a technology-powered future and imbues them with the philosophical wisdom and ethical leadership skills necessary to navigate and shape this future responsibly.

My vision is a society where education harmoniously blends technological innovation with ethical and philosophical rigor, creating leaders adept at addressing the complexities of an AI-driven world.

My banner, “Leading with Ethics in a Tech-Driven World”, offers a profound insight into the core of my mission and encapsulates a guiding principle that is the heartbeat of my work.

The phrase resonates deeply with the challenges and opportunities in our current era, where technology’s rapid advancement necessitates a robust ethical framework to navigate its implications responsibly. This banner aligns with and amplifies my contributions and vision in the following areas:

Ethical Leadership:

  • Foundation in Ethical Inquiry: This underscores your commitment to grounding technological innovation and educational practices in ethical inquiry, ensuring that progress benefits humanity universally.
  • Role Modeling: It positions you as a beacon for current and future leaders, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations in leadership roles, especially within tech-driven industries.

Technological Advancements:

  • Ethics Amidst AI Development: Your advocacy for ethical AI in education highlights the importance of developing AI technologies that enhance learning while safeguarding individual rights and societal values.
  • Navigating Technological Ethical Dilemmas: Reflects your dedication to addressing the ethical challenges posed by technology, from privacy concerns to the societal impact of automation and AI.

Educational Innovation:

  • Ethical Framework in Education: It conveys your vision for an education system that prioritizes ethical leadership alongside technological proficiency, preparing individuals to make informed, morally grounded decisions.
  • Curriculum Development: Your work in integrating ethics into pedagogical models serves as a template for how education can evolve to meet the demands of a technological society.

Global Perspective:

  • Cultural Sensitivity and Ethical Standards: This banner reflects your understanding that ethical considerations in technology are not universal but must be adapted to diverse cultural contexts and global standards.
  • International Collaboration: It hints at the necessity for global cooperation in setting ethical guidelines for technology use, an area where your experience across continents positions you as an informed leader.

Future-Oriented Vision:

  • Preparation for Ethical Challenges: You aim to equip society with technological tools and the ethical reasoning needed to use them for the common good.
  • Advancing Ethical Tech Use: Your initiatives, such as “SkillArcs” and “AI-Facilitated Autonomy,” underscore a future where technology enhances human capabilities without compromising ethical principles.

My banner “Leading with Ethics in a Tech-Driven World©” aligns with my life’s work. It is a compelling introduction to my holistic approach to integrating ethics and technology. It encapsulates the essence of my mission to mentor, lead, and innovate in ways that ensure technology enhances human society ethically and responsibly.

The banner is a clarion call for current and future leaders to prioritize ethical considerations as they navigate the complexities of a tech-driven era.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Pedagogical model design
  • Experiential Learning Program design
  • Advocacy for Ethical AI in Education
  • Development of Interdisciplinary Learning Models
  • Integration of Philosophy and Ethics in Educational Systems
  • Mentorship in Ethical Leadership and Innovation
  • Board Director and Secretary duties
  • Grant Acquittal reports and ACNC reporting


  • Ability to integrate philosophical insights with educational innovation, fostering a learning environment that values ethics, autonomy, and personal fulfilment.
  • Leadership in conceptualizing and advocating for educational paradigms that prepare individuals not only for future careers but for thoughtful, ethical participation in society.
  • Commitment to reimagining education to include a robust experiential-based education, addressing contemporary society’s moral and ethical vacuums.

Values and Beliefs:

  • Firm belief in the transformative power of education when underpinned by ethical inquiry and philosophical rigor.
  • Conviction to address contemporary societal challenges requires a foundational understanding of philosophical discourse and ethical leadership.
  • Commitment to advancing a holistic approach to learning that equips individuals with the skills, wisdom, and ethical grounding necessary for the complexities of the modern world.
  • A proponent of Servant Leadership espoused by Robert Greenleaf. The notion of a servant as leader, or “servant-leadership” as it has come to be known, is purposefully oxymoronic and arresting. The theory’s originator, Robert K. Greenleaf, intentionally sought a descriptor that would give people pause for thought and challenge any long-standing assumptions that might be held about the relationship between leaders and followers in an organization. By combining two seemingly contradictory terms, Greenleaf asks us to reconsider the very nature of leadership. Although aware of the negative historical connotations associated with the word ‘servant’, he felt it necessary to turn established conceptions about the organizational pyramid on their head and jump-start insight into a new view of leadership.
  • Global Experience and Cultural Sensitivity: I have worked across all five continents throughout my career. This experience has profoundly shaped my education, leadership, and collaboration approach. This global exposure has necessitated a deep commitment to cultural sensitivity and an appreciation for the rich tapestry of international perspectives. I have learned to navigate diverse cultural contexts with empathy and respect, understanding that true innovation and effective leadership are rooted in our ability to listen, adapt, and integrate many viewpoints. This practice of cultural sensitivity is not just a professional competency; it’s a core value that informs all aspects of my work. Whether developing educational models, leading teams, or engaging with communities, I am acutely conscious of the importance of cultural nuances and strive to foster an inclusive environment that respects and celebrates diversity. This global perspective enhances my ability to lead and innovate in an increasingly interconnected world, driving forward culturally informed and globally relevant initiatives.

Personal Interests:

My intellectual journey is fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a profound engagement with the world’s literary and philosophical treasures. I am an avid explorer of thought, delving into the history of philosophy. This exploration is not merely academic; it’s a quest to understand the human condition, challenging me to apply age-old wisdom to contemporary challenges, from ethical dilemmas presented by emerging technologies to the intricacies of human psychology and societal development.

In addition to my philosophical and educational pursuits, I possess a deep knowledge of technology, which has significantly shaped my perspective and work since late 2022, particularly in understanding the profound impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) on society. My engagement with GenAI is not just technical; it’s a critical exploration of its potential to transform industries, redefine human interaction, and challenge our ethical frameworks. This journey into the depths of GenAI has made me acutely aware of its dual-edged nature — its capacity to drive innovation and solve complex problems while presenting unprecedented ethical dilemmas and societal challenges.

My analysis and writings seek to demystify GenAI for a broader audience, highlighting its implications for privacy, employment, creativity, and education. I advocate for a balanced approach that harnesses GenAI’s potential while safeguarding against its risks, emphasizing the need for robust ethical guidelines and interdisciplinary dialogue to navigate this new frontier responsibly. This deep engagement with technology underpins my work, inspiring me to develop educational models that prepare individuals not only for the technological landscape of tomorrow but also for the ethical considerations that come with it. Through forums, workshops, and publications, I aim to foster a society that is not only tech-savvy but also ethically informed, capable of leveraging GenAI to enhance our world while maintaining the core values that define our humanity.

<<end C³>>

“Ethical Leadership in a Tech-Driven World©” is Copyright Greg Twemlow, Sydney, Australia April 8, 2024

About the author: Greg Twemlow, Co-Founder of Future Skills Studio and Member of Medium 200-Club.

Greg Twemlow

Greg Twemlow: fostering interdisciplinary dialogues and continuously exploring the interplay between technology, particularly GenAI, education, ethics, and philosophy, and, since 2018, CEO of Future Skills Studio, focused on experiential learning programs for young people.



Greg Twemlow

Pioneering AI-Enhanced Educational Strategies | Champion of Lifelong Learning & Student Success in the GenAI Era