How Future Skills Studio Applies Experiential Learning to Prepare Students for an AI-Driven World

Greg Twemlow
5 min readMay 4, 2024


I’m in a classroom with thirty-six year 10 students being introduced to artificial intelligence; they’re actively engaged. As they navigate projects that challenge them to design AI-driven solutions, their questions echo a deeper inquiry: “How should I interact with AI?” and, interestingly, “I want to work within ethical boundaries?” My experiential learning approach does more than prepare students for future AI-powered landscapes; it empowers them to shape these landscapes with a thoughtful, ethical mindset.

Adaptive Skills Pathway© — a transformative framework of nine skills designed to navigate the evolving landscape of human potential in an AI World by Greg Twemlow

Why This Approach Matters: Why is a hands-on, ethically grounded introduction to AI crucial in today’s educational landscape? The rapid integration of AI in various sectors mandates a foundational understanding akin to traditional literacies like reading and math. At Future Skills Studio, we go beyond traditional teaching methods by fostering skills that ensure students engage with AI and understand its societal impact.

Let me explain why this approach is essential in an AI-driven world and how it can transform the educational experience.

An experiential learning model achieves a fundamental understanding of AI technologies and is as crucial as literacy and numeracy. Here are the core competencies required to get the most from AI and understand how to collaborate effectively with AI.

At Future Skills Studio, we teach students the crucial skills of providing detailed context to AI, crafting thoughtful prompts, and critically analyzing AI responses. This process enhances their ability to use AI effectively. It fosters a deep understanding of the iterative nature of human-AI interaction. Through this, students learn the importance of refining their questions and responses — the key to leveraging AI technology across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, and marketing, thereby enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. These skills are no longer confined to the tech industry but are essential for anyone looking to navigate the future job market effectively.

Adaptive Skills Pathway© — a transformative framework of nine skills designed to navigate the evolving landscape of human potential in an AI World.

As AI handles more computational and analytical tasks, the value of human-centric skills like empathy and creativity is skyrocketing.

These are the nine skills in the Adaptive Skills Pathway:

Empathy involves deeply understanding and sharing the feelings of others. It’s the cornerstone of building trust and effective relationships, enabling us to connect profoundly and navigate social interactions with sensitivity and awareness.

Collaboration emphasizes the power of collective effort. By working together, leveraging each other’s strengths, and valuing diverse perspectives, we can achieve goals beyond the reach of individual effort, making it a pivotal skill in both professional and personal contexts.

Resilience is the ability to withstand and bounce back from adversity. It involves a positive attitude, flexibility, and the willingness to learn from experiences. This skill is crucial for navigating and emerging stronger from life’s inevitable challenges.

Initiative is about stepping up, proactively addressing situations, and implementing solutions without waiting for direction. It demonstrates leadership, foresight, and the capacity to effect change, making it a highly valued trait.

Creativity is not just about artistic expression but the ability to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions to problems. It’s about seeing possibilities where others see obstacles, making it a key driver of progress and innovation.

Adaptability is the skill of effectively adjusting to new conditions and challenges. In a constantly changing world, pivoting and embracing new ideas is essential for success and growth.

Communication is the art of conveying ideas clearly and understanding others. It’s foundational to building relationships, facilitating teamwork, and ensuring that ideas and intentions are understood and acted upon.

Discernment involves having keen insight and judgment. It’s about cutting through the noise to understand the core of an issue, making informed decisions, and recognizing the essence of what is truly important.

Leadership is about inspiring and guiding others toward a common goal. It’s not just a positional role but a quality that involves vision, influence, and the ability to motivate and support others to achieve their best.

Leadership, the Apex Skill, is an aspirational skill representing the culmination of a student’s personal and professional development journey. It embodies the ability to inspire and guide others towards a shared vision, leveraging the foundational and integrative skills to achieve collective goals. This pinnacle skill is characterized by a profound understanding of human dynamics, strategic thinking, and the capacity to make decisions that align with ethical principles and long-term objectives. Leadership is about influencing with integrity, fostering a culture of empowerment, and driving transformative change. To lead effectively in diverse settings requires a holistic application of all previously acquired skills honed through experience and reflective practice.

Dealing with Ethical Challenges

As we integrate AI more deeply into societal frameworks, the ethical implications become increasingly significant. AI systems often reflect the biases present in their training data, leading to outcomes that can reinforce existing societal inequalities. Educating upcoming generations about these risks and the importance of ethical decision-making in AI development and implementation is integral to the Future Skills Studio programs. By understanding issues like algorithmic bias, privacy concerns, and the potential for manipulation, students can advocate for fair and equitable AI use, ensuring that AI enhances societal well-being rather than detracts from it.

Why Project-Based Learning

We cannot afford to let students have their first encounters with AI be negative or frustrating, leading them to disengage from a technology that will be integral to their futures. A haphazard introduction risks alienating them and squandering the transformative potential of AI in their educational and professional development. At Future Skills Studio, we recognize the importance of bringing students into the AI fold through meaningful experiences. By guiding them to use AI to solve real problems, we create a context in which AI is seen as a tool and a partner in their learning journey. This approach demystifies AI and sparks curiosity and engagement, setting the stage for lifelong learning and adaptation in an AI-enhanced world.

Project-based learning (PBL) offers a powerful method to apply AI knowledge in real-world scenarios, making the learning process engaging and practical. In PBL settings, students tackle real-world problems — from designing AI-driven climate solutions to developing ethical guidelines for AI use in schools. This approach solidifies technical skills and enhances discernment, collaboration, and adaptability. By working on projects that require a thoughtful application of AI, students appreciate AI’s power, limitations, and the critical importance of human oversight and creativity.

Join Me in Shaping the Future

Are you interested in learning more about how we prepare students for a future intertwined with AI? Would you like to explore case studies or have specific questions about how you can support students in shaping their future? Contact the Founder of Future Skills Studio. Work with me and empower the next generation to harness AI responsibly and creatively.

About the author: Greg Twemlow, Founder of Future Skills Studio.

Future Skills Studio Founder, Greg Twemlow

Greg Twemlow: Sharing what I’ve learned from my career of 35 years as a citizen of the world, parent, corporate executive, entrepreneur, and, since 2018, CEO of Future Skills Studio, focused on experiential learning programs for young people.



Greg Twemlow

Pioneering AI-Enhanced Educational Strategies | Champion of Lifelong Learning & Student Success in the GenAI Era