Unlocking Ethical Leadership — Ethicentric Pedagogy©

Greg Twemlow
4 min readFeb 13, 2024


The SEVENmile Ethical Pathways Program for Year 9–12 Students

This article serves as a priority date for Copyright claims by the author for the following three terms: Ethicentric Pedagogy©, Ethical Journey Pedagogy©, and Ethical Pathways Pedagogy©. Copyright is claimed as at 4.45pm February 13, 2024, Sydney, Australia

“Pedagogy is to learning, like a compass is to navigation©”

“Pedagogy is to learning, like a compass is to navigation©” by Greg Twemlow
“Pedagogy is to learning, like a compass is to navigation©” by Greg Twemlow

Ethical challenges are ever-present and all around us. That motivates the SEVENmile Ethical Pathways program, designed as an inspirational beacon and a transformative journey into ethical decision-making for year 9–12 students.

Anchored by a proven pedagogical approach that marries theory with practice, this program is designed to empower students with the skills, understanding, and confidence to navigate complex ethical landscapes.

A Proven Approach to Skills Development

Drawing on the success of our acclaimed “Enterprise in the Community” program, Ethical Pathways integrates three core elements to maximize learning impact:

  • Structured Ethical Pedagogy: Our curriculum is anchored in a meticulously designed framework comprising five ethical categories, each detailed through three distinct elements. This foundation ensures a comprehensive exploration of ethics, from personal integrity to societal responsibilities.
  • Experiential Learning: We believe in the power of learning by doing. Through real-world scenarios and ethical dilemmas, students apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, fostering critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills.
  • Team Collaboration: Mirroring the real world, students collaborate in teams to develop and deliver presentations on ethical topics. This process enhances communication skills, promotes empathy, and encourages leadership, preparing students for ethical leadership roles in their communities and beyond.

1-Day Workshop Structure

At the core of our Ethicentric Pedagogy© lies a meticulously crafted structure designed to immerse learners in the vast landscape of ethics through a personalized and engaging educational journey. Our pedagogy comprises five distinct categories, each encompassing three critical elements. This framework is not merely an academic construct; it’s a gateway to a deeper understanding of ethics, tailored to resonate with each learner’s individual interests and concerns.

Structure and Flexibility for Personalized Learning

  • Five Ethical Categories: Our pedagogy divides the complex world of ethics into five accessible categories. This division allows learners to navigate broad ethical themes, making exploring ethics comprehensive and coherent.
  • Three Behavioral Elements per Category: Within each category, we delve deeper into the subject matter through three specific elements. This granularity ensures that every learner can engage with various ethical issues, from personal integrity and social responsibility to global justice and environmental stewardship.
  • Personal Selection and Focus: A cornerstone of our program’s design is empowering learners to choose the most exciting or relevant ethical issues. Students are more engaged and invested in the learning process by selecting topics that resonate with them personally. This choice fosters a sense of ownership over their ethical education, enhancing motivation and deepening the learning experience.

Empowering Engagement Through Choice

This structured yet flexible approach provides a unique educational experience where engagement is driven by personal interest and relevance. Learners are not passive recipients of predetermined content; instead, they actively participate in shaping their learning journey. This method:

  • Enhances Relevance: By focusing on issues that they find meaningful, learners can see the direct application of ethical principles in their lives and the wider world.
  • Promotes Critical Thinking: Choosing what to study encourages learners to critically evaluate what matters most, fostering a habit of thoughtful consideration and reflection.
  • Encourages Deep Engagement: Personal investment in selected topics means learners are more likely to explore these issues in depth, leading to a richer understanding and appreciation of ethics.

The Ethicentric Pedagogy© embodies a learner-centered approach to ethics education with its five categories and three elements. It recognizes students’ diverse interests and needs, offering a pathway to explore ethics in a personally meaningful and academically rigorous manner. This pedagogy educates and engages, inspiring learners to delve into ethical questions with curiosity, enthusiasm, and a deep sense of personal relevance.

Why Choose Ethical Pathways?

The SEVENmile 1-Day Ethical Pathways program is more than an educational initiative; it’s a commitment to nurturing the younger generations to develop ethical and moral leadership. Participants emerge with a deep understanding of ethical principles, adept at critical reasoning, and poised to contribute positively to society.

Join us in shaping a future where ethical integrity is at the forefront of leadership. For more information on bringing the Ethical Pathways program to your school, visit our website.

About the author: Greg Twemlow, Founder of Future Skills Studio.

Future Skills Studio Founder, Greg Twemlow

Greg Twemlow: Sharing what I’ve learned from my career of 35 years as a citizen of the world, parent, corporate executive, entrepreneur, and, since 2018, CEO of Future Skills Studio, focused on experiential learning programs for young people.



Greg Twemlow

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